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Previous Folklore Society Events

Traditional Games, Sports and Pastimes

  • 30th — 31st March 2007
  • The University of Sheffield

The Folklore Society’s AGM conference was held on Friday 30th and Saturday 31 March 2007 at The University of Sheffield.

Charms, Charmers and Charming

  • 23rd September 2005
  • The Warburg Institute, London

Organised by Jonathan Roper and hosted by The Folklore Society. Vestibulum non orci risus. Curabitur quis ligula leo. Nulla sollicitudin id ante vel tempus. Donec vitae porttitor eros. Aenean vitae nibh ac purus luctus mollis. Proin nisl ligula, consequat in lacus vitae, convallis elementum nunc. Duis id tellus tempor, rhoncus dui sit amet, vestibulum tellus. Suspendisse...