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Previous Folklore Society Events

Fire, Feasts and Frolics

  • 29th January — 25th April 2009

English Folk Dance and Song Society in association with The Folklore Society

The Katharine Briggs Lecture and Folklore Award 2008

  • 11th November 2008
  • The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

This year’s lecture is “Giving Folk back to the Folk”, by Malcolm Taylor, OBE, Librarian of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. From 7.30 p.m., there will be a wine reception and buffet supper for Folklore Society members and invited guests, during which we will announce the winner of this year’s Katharine Briggs Folklore Award.

Churches in Legend and Tradition

  • 20th — 21st September 2008
  • Bishop's Palace at Wells

Speakers include: Janet Dowling on Giants in Churches; David Phelps and Valerie Dean on The Martyrdom of St. Ethelbert; Mark Lewis on The Sacred Threshold; David Hunt on Church Legends of Georgia; John Clark on London Churches and their Foundation Legends; Bob Trubshaw on The Minds of Medieval Masons; Chloe Cockerill on Unicorns in Churches;...

The Folklore Society AGM and Conference

  • 4th — 5th April 2008
  • The Warburg Institute, University of London

Friday 4-Saturday 5 April 2008, at The Warburg Institute, University of London. Attachments  Conference Programme and Abstracts of Papers (pdf)

The Katharine Briggs Lecture and Folklore Award 2007

  • 7th November 2007
  • The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

The lecture was “Seeking the Lore of the Land,” by Dr Jacqueline Simpson Afterwards, there was a reception during which we were delighted to announce that the winner of The Katharine Briggs Award 2007 was Professor Jack Zipes for his book Why Fairy Tales Stick, published by Routledge.

The Voice of The People

  • 6th — 8th September 2007
  • University of Sheffield

International Conference, University of Sheffield: The European Folk Revival 1760-1912.

Trees In Legend & Folklore

  • 1st — 2nd September 2007
  • Weald & Downland Museum, Singleton, Sussex

Two-day conference at the Weald & Downland Museum, Singleton, Sussex, Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd September 2007 as one of the Legendary Weekends of the Folklore Society.

Charms, Charmers and Charming

  • 11th — 13th May 2007
  • Pécs, Hungary

The third international conference on ‘Charms, Charmers and Charming ‘ in Pécs, Hungary, 11-13 May 2007, of which the Folklore Society was a joint sponsor with the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, the Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pécs, and the Hungarian Ethnographical Society, Budapest,...