“The Americanization of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales”
- 12th September 2012
- The Warburg Institute, University of London.
Professor Jack Zipes: “The Americanization of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales.”
Professor Jack Zipes: “The Americanization of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales.”
Underground in Legend and Tradition: The Seventh Folklore Society Legendary Weekend. Attachments Flyer (pdf) Programme (pdf)
A joint conference of The Sussex Centre for Folklore, Fairytales and Fantasy, at the University of Chichester. Together with The Folklore Society Annual General Meeting 2012 on the Friday afternoon. Photos from the conference are available online, and you can hear Emily and the Hares and the South Downs Singers performing Come Write Me Down at the conference (recording by Marc...
This year’s lecturer is Michael Rosen, “Folk Tradition: What do we do with it?” The lecture is free and open to all. After the lecture, there will be a wine reception and buffet supper during which the results of this year’s Katharine Briggs Award will be announced and all the books entered for the award will...
Tickets £30.00. Attachments Download flyer (pdf)
The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB Tickets £5.00 for members, £10.00 non-members Performers get in free, and non-members get their £10 back if they join The Folklore Society.
Read Marc Armitage’s report on the Childlore conference. Attachments Report and abstracts (pdf) Programme (pdf)
This year’s lecturer is Professor Ronald Hutton (University of Bristol) “How Pagan were Medieval English Peasants?” Followed by a wine reception and buffet supper. We are delighted to announce that the Katharine Briggs Award 2010 was presented on 10 November to Arthur Taylor for his book “Played in Britain: The Pub Games of Britain” published by...