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Previous Folklore Society Events

The Last Drut’syla? A traditional Jewish storyteller in postwar Europe

  • 17th September 2014
  • 17:30—18:30
  • The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

A Public Lecture by Simon Heywood (Storyteller, Songwriter, Folklorist) and Shonaleigh Cumbers (Drut’syla: Storyteller) The lecture is free and open to all. To book, call 0207 862 8564 or email [email protected] Shonaleigh Cumbers is a drut’syla, a storyteller in a Jewish tradition inherited from her late grandmother, Edith Marks (d.1988), by whom she was trained...

War in Legend and Tradition

  • 6th — 7th September 2014
  • Fort Amherst, Chatham, Kent

War in Legend and Tradition 6-7 Sept 2014 With guns and drums and drums and guns, hurrah! Humming barrack-room ballads they march, flanked by the Comrade in White and the regimental goat. St.George descends on a winged horse to lead the faithful as the Russians advance with snow on their boots. Can this really be...

Sing, Say, Play

  • 18th June 2014
  • 06:30—11:00
  • The Duke [of York], Roger Street, London WC1N 2PB

Following the great success of last year’s Sing, Say, Play evening at the pub, we’re hosting another get together for singing, playing and storytelling on Weds 18 June at the Duke [of York], Roger St, WC1N 2PB.

“Folklore, Thomas Hardy, and Rural Writing”

  • 11th — 13th April 2014
  • 13:00—13:00
  • The Corn Exchange, High East Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1JF

A joint conference of the Folklore Society and the Thomas Hardy Society together with the AGM of the Folklore Society 2014 at The Corn Exchange, Dorchester Attachments  Booking form (word)  programme and abstracts (pdf)  Dorset County Museum Bible and Key exhibit. Photo Mark North (image)  Dorset County Museum folklore exhibition 11-13 April 2014. Photo Mark North (image)  Folklore & Hardy...

“Intimacies and Intimations: Storytelling between Servants and Masters”

  • 26th February 2014
  • The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB

The female servant storyteller is a literary commonplace that runs from classical times via Mother Goose to Charles Dickens and beyond. So familiar is this figure that some recent critics have argued that she obscures the true history of folktales and storytelling. However, in nineteenth-century France, almost all future folklorists first heard folktales from servant...

The Katharine Briggs Lecture and Book Award 2013

Dr Gail-Nina Anderson: “Fine Art and Folklore” 6th November 2013 18:30—21:30 The Warburg Institute After the lecture there will be a reception during which we will announce the winner of this year’s Katharine Briggs Award.

Katharine Briggs Award 2013

  • 6th November 2013
  • 20:00—20:00
  • The Folklore Society, c / o The Warburg Institute

We are delighted to announce that The Katharine Briggs Award 2013 was won by Karl Bell for his book The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack: Victorian Urban Folklore and Popular Cultures, published by The Boydell Press. Congratulations Karl. The joint runners up were: Julia Bishop and Steve Roud, The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs (Penguin) and Catherine...

Popular Antiquities 3

  • 13th — 14th October 2013
  • The Institute of Archaeology, University College London

A joint conference of The Institute of Archaeology and The Folklore Society. Contact us for more information.