Traditions of British Army Uniforms: From Leek to Lego and Beyond
- 08/03/2022
- 18:00-19:30
- Online talk

Photo: William Roberts
Dr William Roberts explores the traditions and imagery of British Army uniforms
Online talk, Tuesday 8 March, 18:00-19:30
The uniforms of the British Army show a remarkable variety in their overall appearance and details. The underlying reason is historical: the earliest cavalry and infantry regiments were established by local worthies from their own area, and while uniform jackets were generally red, various elaborations identified them as a particular body of men. Subsequent rationalisations and regimental mergers or disbandment maintained many regimental names and associated material images, while others have been lost or reduced in significance.
In addition, events in regimental history have added to the imagery. Most examples in the presentation relate to regiments associated with Wales, but the basic points apply throughout the Army. Also considered are examples of how this imagery is used or misused beyond its original context and the extent to which a folkloric approach is appropriate to such usage.
Tickets £5.00 (£3.00 for Folklore Society members with the Promo Code: log in to the Members Only area to get the Promo Code) via Eventbrite: