Performance in Legend and Tradition
- 2nd — 3rd September 2017
- The Theatre, 2 Spring St, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 5NL

Performance in Legend and Tradition: the Twelfth Legendary Weekend of The Folklore Society
Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 September 2017
In comes I, says Robbin to Bobbin. There were three Straw Bears and the little one said, rough music! Will the Phantom of the Opera feature in the Scottish play? This cold night will turn us all to fools and morris dancers: hocus pocus and Faustus must be damned. There were three caskets, and only one contained the liar’s whetstone. Oh yes, there is a doctor to be found at the Hawk’s Well. Out, little spear, if herein thou be! What’s the time, Widow Twankey, at the Common Riding of the Valkyries? A knot, a knot! Waly waly wallflower in the eye of the sun, up and down and around the town. There were three oranges, my true love to see, but ’tis the foul fiend Flibbertigibbet. Surely he is a Puritan, for he has cast out Jack-in-the-Green. Iolanthe falls a-cursing like a very drab, a pantomime dame, so please put a penny in Will Kemp’s hat. That’s the way to do it! Oh no, it isn’t! Oh yes it is!
If you’re interested in the dramatic possibilities of carnival, liturgy, busking and flyting or in the folkloric content of melodrama, mystery plays, ballet and opera, come and join us for a two-day conference on Performance in Legend and Tradition to be held on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 September 2017 as the twelfth Legendary Weekend of the Folklore Society, at the Theatre in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.
Tickets £50. If you would like to attend, please contact: Jeremy Harte, Bourne Hall, Spring Street, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 1UF, by email to: [email protected] or tel. 0208 394 1734
Saturday 2 September
9.30 Registration and coffee
First session
10.00 Diana Coles, ‘Street Theatre on London’s South Bank’
10.30 Robert McDowall, ‘Thomas Rymer – a critical perspective of William Shakespeare’
11.00 Coffee
Second session
11.30 Liz Pearson, ‘Chalk Horse Music: a Sussex sound project’
12.00 Tracey Norman, ‘Witch: a play with folklore’
12.30 Sophia Kingshill, ‘Nubile Nymphs or Marine Cannibals: mermaids on stage and screen’
13.00 Break for lunch
Third session
14.30 Helen Frisby ‘Performing Death: English funeral procession customs, past and present’
15.00 Maureen James, ‘Peterborough Mummers’ Play’
15.30 Mark Norman, ‘Hobby Horses’
16.00 Tea
Fourth session
17.00 Keith Shipton, ‘Popular and Traditional Elements in the Savoy Operas’
17.30 Ernie Warner ‘Oh Yes, It Is: a history of pantomime’
Sunday 3 September
Fifth session
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Jeremy Harte, ‘Look Where it Comes Again!: ghosts and theatricality’
11.30 Glenford Bishop, ‘The English Folk Play Reinterpreted: from legend to cultural politics’
12.00 Short break for lunch
12.30 A visit to the Rollright Stones (car-share or join up for a taxi)