Mermaids: Fish, Flesh or Fowl
- 30/11/2021
- 18:00-19:30
- Online talk

Evelyn de Morgan, The Sea Maidens, 1885/6 (Wikimedia Commons)
By popular demand, another chance to hear Sophia Kingshill’s talk Mermaids: Fish, Flesh or Fowl, online on Tuesday 30 November 2021, 18:00-19:30 GMT
What is a mermaid? Nothing so simple as a woman with a fish’s tail. Mythology, symbolism, literature, art, folktale and ballad have all influenced her development, and male attitudes to women are key to both her vulnerability and her power.
The mermaid’s history examined through images from ancient art to modern media, covering myth, folktale, and attitudes to sex and gender.
Booking via Eventbrite,
Tickets £5.00 (Folklore Society members: £3.00 with Promo Code: log in to the Members Only area: