Folklore and the Senses
- 20-22/06/2025
- University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 K8AF, Ireland

The Fuller Brooch (British Museum) via Wikimedia Commons
Folklore and the Senses
The Folklore Society’s Annual Conference 2025, in collaboration with the Department of Folklore and Ethnology, University College Cork, Ireland.
Friday 20 June to Sunday 22 June 2025
Hybrid conference, online and at University College Cork
We know the world through our senses, but how we sense is inflected by symbolism, tradition and belief—by folklore in other words. What does folklore tell us about our senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and, indeed, second sight?
How does folklore treat the instruments through which we sense—our eyes, ears, nose, skin, fingers, mouth, tongue…? What do tastes, smells and other sensory experiences mean in tradition? What happens when we are deprived of our senses, voluntarily or involuntarily? And what does folklore tell us when our senses stop making sense—experiences of things heard but not seen, seen but not heard? When must we, traditionally, refute the evidence of our senses? And of course what we ‘feel’ can be felt in more ways than one, through the heart for instance. Folklore is communication, but there are many ways to communicate: the kiss, the grip, the sign, the gesture… Can we talk about visual folklore, olfactory folklore, the touch or savour of folklore?
Note for in-person attendees: The FLS will arrange with UCC to have a number of rooms available in University Accommodation. These will be self-catering single ensuite rooms (including free parking, wi-fi, bed linen, towels, and welcome tea/coffee pack), at a cost of €80/night (£66.64 at 21 Oct 2024 exchange rate). Payment would need to be made by 19 May 2025. Further details will be circulated, including a list of other accommodation near to the University campus.
You can find out about Cork as a conference destination at
Access accounts, memories and stories from the audio archives of the Cork Folklore Project on our Cork Memory Map, Thrift Map and Health Map: