The Folklore, Superstitions and Customs of Sussex

What did people believe in the past and why? How much of the old folk culture survives till our own day? This talk by local historian Chris Hare will include folk medicine, rituals of the seasons and the Moon, and how the lives of country people translated into town life as Sussex became more urbanised. The talk will also look at how real historical events, such as the Civil War and smuggling, became translated into folklore. Finally, Chris will look at the ‘little people’, or ‘pharisees’, as they were known and their modern equivalent in ‘ET’.
Chris has a BA (Hons) in British Studies and an MA in Life History. He has written many books and hundreds of articles on history and folklore topics. He has a particular interest in the life and work of writer and historian Hilaire Belloc.
The talk will last up to an hour, with an opportunity to ask questions (via the chat box for our remote audience).
Venue: West Sussex Record Office, 3 Orchard Street, Chichester PO19 1DD
Date: Tuesday 29 October 2024
Time: 7pm
Tickets: £8.00 (attending in-person, £7.00 for West Sussex Archives Society members); £5.00 (attending online)
Booking: Please book on our website at