Call for Papers: ‘Revisiting Oral Narrative: Anthropology, Folklore and History’

Call for Papers: ‘Revisiting Oral Narrative: Anthropology, Folklore and History’
Ninth ‘Folklore and Anthropology in Conversation’ Joint Seminar
The Folklore Society and The Royal Anthropological Institute
Date: Thursday 23 October, 2025.
Time: 10 AM to 5 PM.
Location: 50 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 5BT and online via Zoom
The annual seminar series ‘Folklore and Anthropology in Conversation’ encourages empirical and conceptual dialogue between folklore and anthropology.
One key area of disciplinary overlap is a fascination with oral narrative and its relation to history and the transmission of knowledge. Papers are invited which explore facets of this ongoing debate from multiple points of view, including consideration of oral narratives and the distant past, the changing parameters of orality in the digital age, and the continuing relevance or not of earlier theoretical approaches such as William Bascom’s ‘Four Functions of Folklore’
or Jack Goody’s ideas on the emergence of literacy.
Proposals for a conference paper are invited from folklorists, historians, ethnographers and anthropologists. No restriction is made as to the geographical area, culture, or time period of a presenter’s research. Papers are particularly encouraged which illustrate their points through ethnographic or historic examples, and which seek to engage with Folklore and Anthropology in dialogue.
The event will be held at the joint offices of the Royal Anthropological Institute and The Folklore Society at 50 Fitzroy Street, London on Thursday 23 October, 2025. Presentations will be given in-person, but conference attendees may attend either on-site, or via ZOOM linkup.
Anyone interested in offering a presentation should send Prof. James H. Grayson at a title and abstract of 250 words. Any preliminary inquiries should also be sent to Professor Grayson. The submission date for paper proposals is 30 June, 2025. Paper proposers will be notified by 31 July, 2025.
There is no conference fee, and refreshments and a light lunch will be provided on the day. Travel arrangements are the responsibility of the presenter.
Image: Rakugo at Sanma Festival, Japan; via Wikimedia Commons