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A Message in Support of the People of Ukraine

— Posted on 2nd March 2022

A Message in Support of the People of Ukraine from The Folklore Society

As a learned society long concerned with the everyday, overlooked and subtle ways that we make meaning in our lives and identities, we offer solidarity to our colleagues and friends in Ukraine at this most difficult time.

The threat posed by authoritarian regimes to free speech, free thinking and liberal civil society should be a matter of bygone historical fact rather than our present reality.  Any attempt to mobilise ethno-national identity as a tool of oppression and control should be vigorously and publicly rejected: we therefore affirm our support for the Ukrainian peoples and hold their plight in our hearts as events continue to unfold.

The cultural heritage of Ukraine is imperilled too. It was reported on 28 February that many works by Ukrainian artist Maria Primachenko, celebrated for her folk art style, were destroyed as the Ivankiv Museum of Local History burned down: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/28/arts/design/maria-primachenko-paintings-destroyed-ukraine.html

On 5 March, a data rescue session will take place online focused on identifying and archiving data and sites for music collections at cultural heritage institutions in Ukraine which may be at risk during the attack and invasion by Russia. More information here: https://networks.h-net.org/node/73374/announcements/9834493/data-rescue-ukraine.

Our colleagues at the American Folklore Society are also participating: https://americanfolkloresociety.org/afs-condemns-the-war-in-ukraine-and-stands-with-all-who-oppose-this-violence/

Maria Primachenko: “May I Give This Ukrainian Bread to All People in this Big, Wide World”