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About The Folklore Society

The Folklore Society (FLS) is a learned society devoted to the study of traditional culture in all its forms. It was founded in London in 1878 and was one of the first organisations established in the world for the study of folklore. The term ‘folklore’ describes the overarching concept that holds together a number of aspects of vernacular culture and cultural traditions, and is also the name of the discipline which studies them.

The Folklore Society’s interest and expertise covers such topics as traditional music, song, dance and drama, narrative, arts and crafts, customs and belief. We are also interested in popular religion, traditional and regional food, folk medicine, children’s folklore, traditional sayings, proverbs, rhymes and jingles.

Under the terms of the registration of our charitable status, our aims are to foster the research and documentation of folklore worldwide, and to make the results of such study available to all, whether members of the Society or not.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

The Folklore Society is committed to promoting and valuing equality and diversity across all of its activities and working practices. The Society adheres to the Equality Act 2010, and is thereby proactive in:

  • eradicating discrimination, victimisation, and harassment
  • advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, namely with regard to: age, disability, gender identity, race and ethnicity, national origins, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, marriage and civil partnerships
  • promoting positive relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

The Folklore Society aims to provide a fair and inclusive working environment in which everyone is valued and respected, and it will respond seriously to any attempts to challenge this ethos. The Society will:

  • ensure that our journal, newsletter, website and social media do not promote any exclusionary or prejudiced views
  • consider what positive action we can take to increase diversity across the Society
  • welcome applications for its prizes and awards from all who are qualified, regardless of ethnic or national origin, race, gender, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, marital status or family circumstances.

All employees, Council members, trustees, members, applicants for awards and prizes, and volunteers will be made aware of the Society’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy.

The Folklore Society, and Folklore Enterprises Ltd

The Folklore Society Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status, Company No. 03685496, Registered Charity No. 1074552

Folklore Enterprises Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Folklore Society Ltd, Company No. 03935903, VAT Reg. No. 752616137

The day-to-day activities and decisions are the responsibility of the Folklore Society Council and Management Board (Trustees).